Research Gallery
Images courtesy of Google Earth, USGS, & NASA
Colorado plateau
Image above is the Colorado Plateau. This picture shows a large bullseye pattern reminiscent of a complex crater.
Image above is of the Playa Lakes near Lamesa, Texas. The Playa Lakes are found over a wide range of Texas and in parts of New Mexico. Notice the dotted and parallel linear pattern. These lines point directly towards the Colorado Plateau bullseye and suggests the remnants of distal ejecta.
Grand Canyon
Image above is the Grand Canyon (to the left) and part of the Colorado Plateau/bullseye (to the right). Notice how the feather like appearance of the Grand Canyon on the left becomes constrained to a tight/fine profile on the right. This points out the difference in density and temperature of landmass at the time of impact and during the flood’s carving of the Grand Canyon. The middle of the image would be the boundary line/outer rim of the impact basin.